Our chest diseases clinic is located in our Yüreğir and Çukurova Centers, with our inpatient ward located in Yüreğir Başkent Hospital. Additionally, there is a two-bed, equipped "sleep laboratory" at Seyhan Başkent Hospital serving our province and surrounding provinces, and a "smoking cessation clinic" at Yüreğir Başkent Hospital for patients who want to quit smoking.
Our center provides services based on faculty members and specialists.
Diseases such as lung cancer, asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, occupational lung diseases, and pleural effusion are the main areas of interest in chest diseases. The causes, symptoms, and diagnostic and treatment methods of these diseases are explained below.
• Lung cancer • Asthma • COPD • Tuberculosis • Pneumonia • Sleep apnea disease • Pleural effusion • Smoking cessation • Occupational lung diseases
For information about diseases, you can click on the links provided.
Common diagnostic methods include respiratory diseases and diagnostic methods.
Treatment methods include interventional bronchoscopy.